For our diploma works in 2008 in Tartu Art College me and my course-mate from textile department Liisa Soolepp both wanted to do something global and experimental. As a result we got a multimedia fashion performance directed by Tarmo Tagamets, played by dance students of Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia and scene object by Mihkel Ehala. Life videos were thought to echo fashion idea of Liisa – making pretty things of something hideous and usually considered as disgusting. Costumes were also equipped by movement-sensitive programmed LED lamps (wearable Arduino used).
Tartu Postimees, 13.06.2008, Raimu Hanson. “Mood liitub liikumise ja videoga".
Tartu Postimees, 13.06.2008, Raimu Hanson. “Kaks kunstinoort teevad üheskoos ajalugu”.
Eesti Kultuurkapital
Tartu Kultuurkapital
Tartu Kõrgem Kunstikool
Athena Keskus ja Viljar Pahhomov
Kaarel Nurk
Toomas Thetloff